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Mexican Corn Salad

Mexican Corn Salad Recipe

Corn might be the only food I eat only at the peak of its season – once you’ve had it there really is no going back and if that makes me a corn snob, I can live with it. But that means I have to really pack it in right now. I try to keep things interesting and change up how I shovel it into my mouth so here is my latest version.

I love the presentation of this recipe on the cob but as I tend to get the creamy topping all over my face, I usually eat is as a salad. And that way you can mix in some tomatoes, peppers, or whatever else you have lying around. Not that you need more reasons to make this, but it is equally delicious cold or room temp as well as with grilled or raw corn.

Happy Corn Season Y’all!

Mexican Corn Salad Recipe
Mexican Corn Salad Recipe

After almost 30 years of shucking corn (and creating a pretty fabulous song to sing while doing so) my Mom started shucking corn using the above technique and it has made it SO much less of a messy free-for-all. Simply line a sink with newspaper and shuck the corn inside the sink then fold up the newspaper and discard. Violá!!

Mexican Corn Salad Recipe

Mexican Corn Salad

Yield: 8-10 servings


  1. 2-3 tbl mayo

  2. 2-3 tbl plain greek yogurt

  3. ¾ cup grated parmesan*

  4. juice of 2 limes

  5. ½ tsp smoked paprika

  6. ¼ tsp cayenne

  7. ¼ tsp kosher salt

  8. ¼ tsp black pepper

  9. cilantro for garnish

  10. 8-10 ears of corn, shucked

salad additions:

  1. tomatoes

  2. peppers (like poblanos or anaheims...aka not too spicy)

  3. avocado


  1. Combine all of the ingredients, except the corn, in a bowl. Let sit 20-30 minutes at room temp or put in the fridge for up to a day.

  2. If making the corn to eat on the cob, grill or boil corn until done and top each with some of the dressing and chopped cilantro.

  3. If making a salad, grill corn or leave it raw and cut all of the kernels off the cob. Put in a bowl along with any of the additional ingredients mentioned above and toss with dressing.

  4. Serve cold or at room temperature


*i like to buy a really nice chunk of Parmigiano Reggiano that I grind up myself in a food processor


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