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Summer’s Bounty


I always get a little stressed out in the summer because there just aren’t enough hours in the day to eat all of the incredible fresh produce – most of which are among my favorite foods.  Unlike the fruits of other seasons, so much of summer produce can be eaten on the way home from the farmers market.  There does not necessarily have to be intense cooking involved to create a gourmet dish.

august garden!

I often find farmer’s markets intimidating, everyone seems to be divinely inspired, by some mystical culinary spirit that I have yet to meet, as they saunter through the stalls selecting particular ingredients here and there for what I imagine will be a masterful creation.  I, on the other hand, prefer lists based on plans that I figure out beforehand (through the culinary magic of my computer or perhaps one of my old school cookbooks).

Here is a link to a wonderfully useful produce guide that, based on your chosen location and month, tells you what is in peak season.

Once you know what will be at the market, figure out what you want to make and write your shopping list.  Here are some of my favorite summertime recipes to give you some inspiration.

green bean salad


pesto jars

Apple Cobbler
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