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Spiced Pumpkin Butter

I really think this pumpkin-spiced insanity has gone too far. Does it really need to start in august, must every store burn every spice candle at once, and do we really need our nail polish to smell fresh out of the oven? While Chris might argue that my feet could use such a product, I would argue that all this smelling is making me hungry and I’d rather eat my pumpkin-spice thank you. Preferably slathered on a warm piece of bread or muffin perhaps.

for the hostess with the mostess –

Instead of bringing another candle for your favorite holiday hostess, might I suggest making a big batch of pumpkin butter, finding some swanky little jars like mine, and raking in those brownie points. Aaaand if you are staying for the weekend bring some bread or baked goods to spread it on in the morning. Bonus!

Spiced Pumpkin Butter


6 cups


3 lbs (6 cups roughly) pumpkin or squash puree

1½ cups dark brown sugar

4 oz unsalted butter

1 tsp kosher salt

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp ground ginger

½ tsp nutmeg, grated

¼ tsp cloves

  1. Preheat the oven to 350ËšF.

  2. In a bowl, combine all of the ingredients and mix just to combine - chunks of butter etc are fine as it will all melt and mingle in the oven.

  3. Cook for 1½ hours, stirring every 20 minutes or so, until it is a rich dark brown color all the way through.

  4. Let cool before putting into jars or containers. This will keep in the fridge for a few weeks or in the freezer for months.

hungry for more?

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